Sunday 6 February 2011

Why Yoga is Sooo Great

I did 2 yoga classes today, the first a P&C yoga class with my brother and my cousin followed by a regular yoga class. I always leave yoga feeling so great and energised.

Last night a friend asked me why I thought yoga was so great and to make them understand why I am always going on about how fantastic it is. One of the reasons for this is that it's such an ancient practice with a lot of history. My main reason is because you feel interconnected physically, mentally and sprititually. It's one hell of an experience.

You have to ensure that your mind, body, soul and breath are ones. Your breath and energies circulating through your body. You feel at one with your whole being, you also feel connected to every other person in the room, with the world and the universe.

And of course from the physical perspective, you are ensuring well being of your body, stretching out your muscles and ensuring that your posture and positioning and correct.

It's amazing, one of my favourite things at the moment and I would definititely recommend it.

Sunday 9 January 2011

Post Christmas

Christmas was not good for the weight loss, back on the wagon now though. Need to shift the rest of the weight this year, that is the goal :)

Today's classes were really hard. I struggled in yoga and body pump. My trainer wants me to do more of my own training in the gym and not just go to classes which is fair enough. She also wants me to choose yoga and body balance type classes over the traditional ones I do to improve flexibility.

Monday 20 December 2010

Gym Failure

Becoming a bit complacent with the gymming and healthy eating. Haven't really put any effort into it in a few weeks now, lots of long hours at work.

Now that I have a few weeks off for Christmas going to try and hit the gym more.

Sunday 24 October 2010

Motivation.... a bit shot at the moment :-( This could be due to having a knee injury and very restrictive activities I can undertake. I need to get my motivation back!

Sunday 12 September 2010

Interesting Article

Why Strength Training is Good at Any Age

This Week

Training this week has been pretty good :) I haven't made it to a single yoga class this week though, had to do the cardio and weights classes to balance out junk food over last few days.

I also started encompassing some training on the gym floor, using the weights machines to strengthen my legs for the run in a month! I need to train harder for the run too, apart from that one 6.33km run, I haven't done many other big runs :-(

Today's R.P.M and Body Pump were really good, this time though it was the lunge track that I didn't manage to do all the way through and I managed to whack my head with the 15k bar when lifting the weights off my back! Head really hurts :-( 

Monday 6 September 2010


I haven't really posted in over a week. Last week's training wasn't as rigorous as the week before as I had 2 rest days. I ran yesterday, 3K in 23 minutes, I really need to improve that time but I need to get the distance first for my 10K run in October. I also set myself a goal in pump to get through all the tracks without stopping (before I get to the next weight uppage). I managed everything but the abs track. I need to do this for a month I reckon before I up my weights.

I had a training session today which helped take my work anxieties away. It was intervals between 3 10 minute runs and exercises in between (i.e front squats with weights, lunges etc). It was really good and my running seems to be getting better. I just need to keep it going :)

I've been given lots of tips and advice, as always from the awesome trainers at the gym which I need to start encompassing into my training sessions.