Sunday 6 February 2011

Why Yoga is Sooo Great

I did 2 yoga classes today, the first a P&C yoga class with my brother and my cousin followed by a regular yoga class. I always leave yoga feeling so great and energised.

Last night a friend asked me why I thought yoga was so great and to make them understand why I am always going on about how fantastic it is. One of the reasons for this is that it's such an ancient practice with a lot of history. My main reason is because you feel interconnected physically, mentally and sprititually. It's one hell of an experience.

You have to ensure that your mind, body, soul and breath are ones. Your breath and energies circulating through your body. You feel at one with your whole being, you also feel connected to every other person in the room, with the world and the universe.

And of course from the physical perspective, you are ensuring well being of your body, stretching out your muscles and ensuring that your posture and positioning and correct.

It's amazing, one of my favourite things at the moment and I would definititely recommend it.